Report date: Nov 6,2024 Conflict count: 361874 Publisher: Universidad Publica de Navarra. Biblioteca Title count: 1 Conflict count: 3 ========================================================== Created: 2024-05-31 08:12:07 ConfID: 7330790 CauseID: 1631320355 OtherID: 1631268516 JT: Huarte de San Juan Geografía e Historia MD: Vivas Sainz,,31,33,2024,Grafitos y autores invisibles. Los grafitos figurativos del Royal Cachette wadi (Luxor, Egipto) como estudios de caso DOI: 10.48035/rhsj-gh.32.3(Journal) (7330790-N) DOI: 10.48035/rhsj-gh.31.3(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-05-31 08:12:05 ConfID: 7330789 CauseID: 1631320352 OtherID: 1631268505 JT: Huarte de San Juan Geografía e Historia MD: Feitosa,,31,51,2024,Back from the edge, a de-centred approach to ancient graffiti in Brazilian research DOI: 10.48035/rhsj-gh.32.4(Journal) (7330789-N) DOI: 10.48035/rhsj-gh.31.4(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-05-31 08:12:01 ConfID: 7330788 CauseID: 1631320346 OtherID: 1631268461 JT: Huarte de San Juan Geografía e Historia MD: Ozcáriz Gil,,31,7,2024,Los grafitos históricos como voz de los desfavorecidos DOI: 10.48035/rhsj-gh.32.1(Journal) (7330788-N) DOI: 10.48035/rhsj-gh.31.1(Journal)