Report date: Feb 18,2025 Conflict count: 359567 Publisher: UNICOM College of Business Studies Title count: 2 Conflict count: 6 ========================================================== Created: 2021-09-29 13:26:28 ConfID: 6126605 CauseID: 1509052373 OtherID: 1508815046 JT: journal of social sciences review MD: Iqbal,1,1,13,2021,Classroom Management Practices of Secondary School Teachers in District Swat DOI: 10.54183/jssr.2021.1.1.13(Journal) (6126605-N) DOI: 10.54183/jssr.v1i1.6(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-09-29 13:26:28 ConfID: 6126604 CauseID: 1509052373 OtherID: 1508815046 JT: journal of social sciences review MD: Rahman,1,1,28,2021,An Assessment of School-Community Relationship in the Public Secondary Schools of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan DOI: 10.54183/jssr.2021.1.1.28(Journal) (6126604-N) DOI: 10.54183/jssr.v1i1.10(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-09-29 13:26:28 ConfID: 6126603 CauseID: 1509052373 OtherID: 1508815046 JT: journal of social sciences review MD: Samrat,1,1,46,2021,The Administrative Role of Principals: Insights and Implication in Secondary Schools Mardan District DOI: 10.54183/jssr.2021.1.1.46(Journal) (6126603-N) DOI: 10.54183/jssr.v1i1.13(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-06-05 02:23:59 ConfID: 6859540 CauseID: 1575573008 OtherID: 1575095735 JT: journal of social sciences review MD: Siddiqui,3,2,523,2023,A Conceptual Underpinnings on Appraising SWOT Analysis as the Conciliator Strategic Marketing Planning through Marketing Intelligence DOI: 10.54183/ssr.v3i2.289(Journal) (6859540-N) DOI: 10.54183/jssr.v3i2.289(Journal)