Report date: Feb 18,2025 Conflict count: 359567 Publisher: Fez Multidisciplinary Journals Publishing Title count: 2 Conflict count: 4 ========================================================== Created: 2025-02-06 10:49:50 ConfID: 7836169 CauseID: 1671565588 OtherID: 1660690210 JT: Journal of Nursing Education Sciences and Medical Practice MD: Rahmouni,1,1,1,2024,Clinical and epidemiological profiles of newborns from twin pregnancies in Hassan II University Hospital of Fez, Morocco DOI: 10.69998/JNESMP1(Journal) (7836169-N) DOI: 10.69998/jnesmp.v1i1.9(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2025-02-06 10:49:50 ConfID: 7830184 CauseID: 1671565588 OtherID: 1664049731 JT: Journal of Nursing Education Sciences and Medical Practice MD: Hoummani,1,1,32,2024,Rare Cardiotoxicity in a Child Following Accidental Alphachloralose Ingestion: A Case Study with In-Silico Insights DOI: 10.69998/rcwbmj13(Journal) (7830184-N) DOI: 10.69998/jnesmp5(Journal) DOI: 10.69998/jnesmp.v1i1.33(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2025-02-06 10:49:50 ConfID: 7836168 CauseID: 1671565588 OtherID: 1660690193 JT: Journal of Nursing Education Sciences and Medical Practice MD: Ouanouche,1,1,13,2024,Descriptive analysis of risk factors for preterm infants with birth weight DOI: 10.69998/yajes282(Journal) (7836168-N) DOI: 10.69998/jnesmp.v1i1.10(Journal)