Report date: Apr 23, 2024 Conflict count: 350216 Publisher: Elsevier Title count: 938 Conflict count: 15199 ========================================================== Created: 2009-10-02 04:23:43.0 ConfID: 4613514 CauseID: 888367343 OtherID: 1242, 1347297153 JT: Powder Technology MD: Suzuki, 43 ,1,19,1985,Comparison between the computer-simulated results and the model for estimating the co-ordination number in a three-component random mixture of spheres DOI: 10.1016/0032-5910(85)80075-9(Journal) (4613514-N ) DOI: 10.1016/S0032-5910(85)80075-9(Journal)