Report date: Apr 23, 2024 Conflict count: 350216 Publisher: Brill Title count: 84 Conflict count: 2077 ========================================================== Created: 2019-06-03 07:02:13.0 ConfID: 5494758 CauseID: 1447018184 OtherID: 211843880 JT: Aramaic Studies MD: Gentry, 2 ,2,145,2004,Propaedeutic to a Lexicon of the Three: the Priority of a New Critical Edition of Hexaplaric Fragments DOI: 10.1177/147783510400200201(Journal) (5494758-N ) DOI: 10.1163/000000004781540362(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-06-03 07:02:13.0 ConfID: 5494759 CauseID: 1447018184 OtherID: 211843880 JT: Aramaic Studies MD: Greenberg, 2 ,2,175,2004,Indications of the Faith of the Translator in the Peshitta to the ''Servant Songs'' of Deutero-Isaiah DOI: 10.1177/147783510400200202(Journal) (5494759-N ) DOI: 10.1163/000000004781540399(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-06-03 07:02:13.0 ConfID: 5494760 CauseID: 1447018184 OtherID: 211843880 JT: Aramaic Studies MD: Levene, 2 ,2,193,2004,Word-Smithing: Some Metallurgical Terms in Hebrew and Aramaic DOI: 10.1177/147783510400200203(Journal) (5494760-N ) DOI: 10.1163/000000004781540353(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-06-03 07:02:13.0 ConfID: 5494761 CauseID: 1447018184 OtherID: 211843880 JT: Aramaic Studies MD: Morgenstern, 2 ,2,207,2004,Notes on a Recently Published Magic Bowl DOI: 10.1177/147783510400200204(Journal) (5494761-N ) DOI: 10.1163/000000004781540380(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-06-03 07:02:13.0 ConfID: 5494762 CauseID: 1447018184 OtherID: 211843880 JT: Aramaic Studies MD: Sysling, 2 ,2,223,2004,Three Harsh Prophets: A Targumic Tosefta to Parashat Korah DOI: 10.1177/147783510400200205(Journal) (5494762-N ) DOI: 10.1163/000000004781540371(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-06-03 07:02:13.0 ConfID: 5494763 CauseID: 1447018184 OtherID: 211843880 JT: Aramaic Studies MD: van Peursen, 2 ,2,243,2004,The Peshitta of Ben Sira: Jewish and/or Christian? DOI: 10.1177/147783510400200206(Journal) (5494763-N ) DOI: 10.1163/000000004781540344(Journal)