Report date: Apr 23, 2024 Conflict count: 350216 Publisher: Asia Minor Studies Title count: 1 Conflict count: 8 ========================================================== Created: 2017-02-14 08:07:54.0 ConfID: 5204959 CauseID: 1402245648 OtherID: 1377965053 JT: ASIA MINOR STUDIES MD: GÜRSEL, 3 ,5,52,2015,MİLLİ MÜCADELE DÖNEMİNDE GAZİANTEP SAVUNMASI VE ŞAHİNBEY/Şahinbey and Gaziantep in the Turkish independence War DOI: 10.17067/ams.41516(Journal) (5204959-N ) DOI: 10.17067/asm.245250(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-02-15 02:38:36.0 ConfID: 5205924 CauseID: 1402357050 OtherID: 1377965053 JT: ASIA MINOR STUDIES MD: DİLEK, 2 ,4,null,2014,MARDİN TÜRK OCAĞININ EĞİTSEL FAALİYETLERİ VE TASFİYE SÜRECİNDE YAŞANAN SORUNLAR DOI: 10.17067/ams.92210(Journal) (5205924-N ) DOI: 10.17067/asm.245264(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-02-15 02:45:50.0 ConfID: 5205957 CauseID: 1402357392 OtherID: 1377965053 JT: ASIA MINOR STUDIES MD: Karayel, 2 ,4,null,2014,Sir Thomas Roe''a Göre Babür İmparatorluğu Sarayında Nevruz DOI: 10.17067/ams.52087(Journal) (5205957-N ) DOI: 10.17067/asm.245270(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-02-20 12:52:28.0 ConfID: 5207193 CauseID: 1402550232 OtherID: 1375323071 JT: ASIA MINOR STUDIES MD: Karakök, 2 ,3,29,2014,SİNOP HKİMİ BİR BEYLİK: PERVANEOĞULLARI BEYLİĞİ ( SOSYO-EKONOMİK VE KÜLTÜREL DURUMU HAKKINDA BİR DEĞERLENDİRME)/A Sovereign Principality In Sinope: Pervaneogullari Principality (An Assessment On The Socia – Economic And Cultural Characters) DOI: 10.17067/ams.76983(Journal) (5207193-N ) DOI: 10.17067/asm.245257(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-02-20 12:52:17.0 ConfID: 5207194 CauseID: 1402550233 OtherID: 1377965053 JT: ASIA MINOR STUDIES MD: Kale, 3 ,5,null,2015,SİNEMACILARI EDEBİYATA YÖNELTEN MUHTEMEL SEBEPLER ÜZERİNE BAZI DİKKATLER DOI: 10.17067/ams.83732(Journal) (5207194-N ) DOI: 10.17067/asm.245251(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-03-28 04:41:44.0 ConfID: 5214574 CauseID: 1403881410 OtherID: 1375323071 JT: ASIA MINOR STUDIES MD: Gürsel, 2 ,3,1,2014,ATATÜRK DÖNEMİ SAĞLIK POLİTİKALARI VE UYGULAMALARI/Healtu policies and its applicaion in the Ataturk Era DOI: 10.17067/ams.59950(Journal) (5214574-N ) DOI: 10.17067/asm.245252(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-04-03 07:29:39.0 ConfID: 5217476 CauseID: 1404044539 OtherID: 1377965053 JT: ASIA MINOR STUDIES MD: Biçici, 2 ,4,null,2014,569 NoluŞerr''iyye Siciline Göre Afyonkarahisar Şehrinin Siyasi, Sosyal ve Ekonomik Durumu (AccordingtoŞeriyye Sicil No 569 of the City of the Afyonkarahisar Political, SocialandEconomicSituation) DOI: 10.17067/ams.13160(Journal) (5217476-N ) DOI: 10.17067/asm.245268(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-02-05 07:07:50.0 ConfID: 5334911 CauseID: 1421353640 OtherID: 1377945221 JT: ASIA MINOR STUDIES MD: YİĞİT, 3 ,5,null,2015,XVI. YÜZYIL EDİRNE ŞEHRİNDE KÖLELER VE SOSYAL DURUMLARI DOI: 10.17067/ams.14461(Journal) (5334911-N ) DOI: 10.17067/asm.245281(Journal)