Report date: Apr 23, 2024 Conflict count: 350216 Publisher: Digital ProScholar Media Title count: 1 Conflict count: 3 ========================================================== Created: 2018-10-29 11:34:32.0 ConfID: 5430343 CauseID: 1434128220 OtherID: 1434103378 JT: Journal of Clinical and Investigative Surgery MD: Cozma, 1 ,2,41,2016,Platelet Rich Plasma- mechanism of action and clinical applications DOI: 10.25083/2559.5555.12.16(Journal) (5430343-N ) DOI: 10.25083/2559.5555.12.4146(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-10-29 11:49:43.0 ConfID: 5430345 CauseID: 1434128831 OtherID: 1434103455 JT: Journal of Clinical and Investigative Surgery MD: Groșeanu, 1 ,2,54,2016,Management of pelvic chondrosarcoma DOI: 10.25083/2559.5555.12.1421(Journal) (5430345-N ) DOI: 10.25083/2559.5555.12.5461(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-10-29 12:00:39.0 ConfID: 5430354 CauseID: 1434129066 OtherID: 1434104976 JT: Journal of Clinical and Investigative Surgery MD: Scăunașu, 1 ,2,62,2016,Breast sarcoma surgical management: a five-year multicentric study DOI: 10.25083/2559.5555.12.2228(Journal) (5430354-N ) DOI: 10.25083/2559.5555.12.6268(Journal)