Report date: Apr 16, 2024 Conflict count: 351559 Publisher: ACG Publications Title count: 5 Conflict count: 7 ========================================================== Created: 2017-11-02 11:37:06.0 ConfID: 5299498 CauseID: 1416561724 OtherID: 1416558820 JT: Journal of Chemical Metrology MD: Archer, 11 ,2,31,2017,Use of accumulated proficiency testing scheme results to evaluate laboratory performance in forensic ethanol analysis DOI: 10.25135/jcm. (5299498-N ) DOI: 10.25135/jcm. ========================================================== Created: 2017-11-02 11:58:06.0 ConfID: 5299500 CauseID: 1416562674 OtherID: 1416562583 JT: Journal of Chemical Metrology MD: Yilmaz, 11 ,2,40,2017,Proficiency testing performance of Turkish laboratories on determination of relative composition of fatty acids in sunflower oil DOI: 10.25135/jcm. (5299500-N ) DOI: 10.25135/jcm.