Report date: Apr 23, 2024 Conflict count: 350216 Publisher: Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia Title count: 1 Conflict count: 2 ========================================================== Created: 2019-04-11 04:22:00.0 ConfID: 5464391 CauseID: 1442874435 OtherID: 1441704441 JT: Indonesian Journal of International Relations MD: Islami, 2 ,1,44,2019,Keengganan Negara-negara North atas Pembagian Beban dalam Tata Kelola Pengungsi Global: Kasus Pengungsi Timur Tengah DOI: 10.32787/1.ijir.2018.2.1.45(Journal) (5464391-N ) DOI: 10.32787/ijir.v2i1.45(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-07-13 10:07:35.0 ConfID: 6087853 CauseID: 1503051614 OtherID: 1441704441 JT: Indonesian Journal of International Relations MD: Susilo, 2 ,1,58,2019,United States’s Intevention against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant DOI: 10.32787/1.ijir.2018.2.1.20(Journal) (6087853-N ) DOI: 10.32787/ijir.v2i1.20(Journal)